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Carrizo aquifer storage and recovery – public water supply development
Project Background
The Carrizo Aquifer in southern Bexar County, Texas is a sandstone, water-bearing unit comprised of the Carrizo Sand Formation. In particular, prolific groundwater resources occur in the Carrizo Aquifer of Texas. This confined aquifer occurs in an area that produces water suitable for public supply and irrigation use. The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) embarked upon an aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) program within this aquifer to create the 2nd largest ASR project in the U.S at 64 MGD capacity.
Project Background
The Basin and Range Aquifer System of Nevada and Utah in Lincoln County, Nevada is a water-bearing unit comprised of Paleozoic and Mesozoic-age formations. This confined aquifer system occurs in an area that produces high-quality water suitable for public and industrial supply use. Vidler Water Company is in the process of developing this resource for public water supply in an area north of the Las Vegas, Nevada area.
Project Background
The Trinity Aquifer in northeast Medina County, Texas in the vicinity of Medina Lake is currently undergoing significant land and real estate development with a burgeoning population. This increased population is creating significant stress upon the groundwater resources of the Trinity Aquifer in that area. The Medina County Groundwater Conservation District tasked URS Corporation to conduct a refinement of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Trinity Aquifer Groundwater Availability Model (GAM) in that area. This model will serve the MCGCD as a planning tool in the development of rules for the management of groundwater resources in that area.
SAWS Brackish Groundwater Desalination Program – Work Package 10 – Injection Wells
Project Background
The Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in southern Bexar County, Texas is a sandstone, water-bearing unit comprised of the Carrizo Sand Formation and underlying Wilcox Group. In particular, brackish groundwater is available from the Wilcox Group of formations. This confined aquifer system occurs in an area that produces water suitable for public supply, membrane-filtration water treatment. The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) embarked upon a brackish desalination program within this aquifer to create the 2nd largest Desalination project in the Texas at 12 MGD capacity. The project will produce more than 13,440 acre-feet of source water from the Wilcox Aquifer. The groundwater will then be treated through a membrane filtration plant with finished water going to distribution and concentrate to be disposed in deep injection wells. Concentrate brine will be produced as a by-product of the desalination process which will require multiple Class I Injection wells for the disposal of the concentrate.
Project Background
The Devils River is a 3,960-square-mile drainage basin in Val Verde, Crockett, and Sutton Counties in west-central Texas. The baseflow to the river is provided primarily by spring flow contributing approximately 252,000 acre-feet of surface water to the Rio Grande Basin downstream near Del Rio, Texas. This river supports a unique ecosystem in one of Texas’s most pristine and scenic areas.
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